Posts tagged "heart"
National Heart Month: Building Healthy Habits for a Healthy Heart
February 1, 2024
February is American Heart Month – a time to celebrate all our hearts do for us, and to recognize what we can do to keep our hearts healthy.
read moreStroke Awareness and Mental Health Tips That May Improve Your Wellness
May 1, 2023
In May there are two major health observances that are a great reminder to do just that: Stroke Awareness Month and Mental Health Month.
read moreNational Heart Month: Four Easy Ways to Show Your Heart Some Love
February 1, 2023
American Heart Month, a designated time to advocate for cardiovascular health and raise awareness about heart disease. Check out these four ways to help your heart.
read moreAshley Regional Medical Center Recognized for Excellence with ACC Chest Pain Center Accreditation
January 5, 2023
Ashley Regional provides necessary care, resources to patients with heart attack symptoms
read moreHow Healthy is Your Heart?
February 1, 2022
This American Heart Month, refresh yourself on a few key indicators that can give insight into your heart’s current health state and point to any specific steps you may need to take for its care.
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