Childbirth Preparation Class
150 West 100 North
Vernal, UT 84078
Date: March 6, 2025
Time: 6:30 pm
If you are pregnant, Ashley Regional has designed a 4-week series of special services to help expectant parents get ready for the physical, emotional and lifestyle changes that come with having a baby. They provide the information and reassurance that is especially helpful during pregnancy.
The childbirth class is held Thursdays from 6:30-8:30 pm. Classes are held upstairs in the Conference Room. Enter the hospital through the ER Entrance.
Childbirth Preparation classes will take place for 4 weeks and the breastfeeding class will last 1 week. We have guest speakers from other facilities and departments to teach different topics.
Register Now
Thank you for signing up for our childbirth preparation class.
If you have questions between now and the class, please contact us at 435.781.6833 or email
On the day of the class, please meet the OB instructor at the Emergency entrance.
We look forward to seeing you!